Classification and Regression

Select from avaliable models : you can choose from a list of all models generated from Build and Evaluate part, Now you either choose to make prediction for a single observation, which means you have one instance and you want to predict the target, in this case you need to fill manually all the features of that instance, check your entries if they are correct, and click predict, or if you want to predict multiple observations, in this case you need to drag and drop your file that contains observations you want to predict, the file must be a csv or exel file.

Choose the probability threshold : Threshold for converting predicted probability to class label. It defaults to 0.5 for all classifiers unless explicitly defined. select how you want to encode labels (Default : as originally labeled), and click Predict Button

Predicted data will be saved under the file name predicted_data_13.csv where 13 is your session ID.

Last updated